

The Hoover Institution hosted "Reagan Rising: The Decisive Years, 1976-1980" on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm EST.

Following Ronald Reagan's 1976 loss, most observers believed his political career had come to an end. Yet, less than a year later, he introduced a "New Republican Party" which would embrace, "the man and woman in the factories . . . the farmer . . . the cop on the beat. Our party," Reagan said, "must be the party of the individual."

At a time when conservatives seek to reiterate their governing beliefs, Craig Shirley offers insight into the development of Reagan's optimistic and unifying philosophy that crossed party lines and redefined America's future.


Upcoming Events

Thursday, August 8, 2024 4:30 PM PT
cover of book by Heath Hardage Lee "The Mysterious Mrs. Nixon"
The Un-Presidented Speaker Series: Heath Hardage Lee
Historian, biographer, and curator Heath Hardage Lee will present on The Mysterious Mrs. Nixon: Washington’s Most Private First Lady Revealed at the… Shultz Auditorium, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Monday, August 12, 2024 4:30 PM PT
l&a book talk Benjamin Nathans
Book Talk: "To The Success of Our Hopeless Cause" by Benjamin Nathans
Join the Hoover History Lab and Hoover Institution Library & Archives for a special hybrid event with Benjamin Nathans, introduced by Stephen… Shultz Auditorium, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 5:30 PM ET
Ideas Uncorked: State of the Race: Where America stands on the policy issues heading toward November
The Hoover Institution in DC hosts Ideas Uncorked on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 5:30–7:00 pm ET. The event will feature Doug Rivers, Senior Fellow… Hoover Institution in DC
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