

The Hoover Institution hosted "Reconsidering the Coleman Report on its 50th Anniversary" on Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 12:00pm - 3:30pmThe event video is below.

The Spring 2016 issue of Education Next is dedicated to revisiting on its 50th anniversary James S. Coleman’s 1966 report “Equality of Educational Opportunity” better known as the Coleman Report. The issue features articles by leading scholars that revisit and update Coleman’s findings on desegregation, the achievement gap, teacher quality, the role of the family, academic games, and the racial composition of schools. The issue also examines how education policy has applied these findings over the last 50 years.

The February 25 event in Washington, D.C., featured the following panel discussions on the progress our country has made in narrowing the achievement gap and attaining educational equality for student minority groups in the decades since the publication of the Coleman Report.

For more information about the articles on the Coleman Report that are in the Spring 2016 issue of Education Next, visit

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