The Hoover Institution hosted "Is There Deal Space For Carbon Pricing In 2017?" on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 from 2:00pm - 6:00pm EST.

George P. Shultz, James A. Baker III, and Henry Paulson are names that command respect. So on February 8, when they and five others unveiled a detailed carbon tax proposal, there was plenty of buzz. "Perhaps this collection of eminences can open the Republican mind," Bloomberg editorialized. "As they point out, even if you don't believe that humans are fully to blame for climate change, a carbon tax is the just the kind of insurance policy everyone needs."

This half day conference explored what would persuade a strongly tax-averse Congress to enact a carbon fee and whether a push for tax reform provides an opportunity to address carbon pricing.

2:00 pm
Michael Franc, DC Director of Programs, Hoover Institution
George T. Frampton, Jr., Co-founder, Partnership for Responsible Growth

2:10 pm Introductory Message
George P. Shultz, Thomas & Susan Ford Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution

2:20 pm Panel: Possible Bipartisan Uses of New Carbon Revenue
Alice Hill, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
Joseph Aldy, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Thomas Stephenson, Venture Capitalist, Sequoia Capital (invited)
Bob Perkowitz, President, ecoAmerica 
Donald Marron, Director, Economic Policy Initiatives, Urban Institute

3:35 pm - Break

3:45 pm Panel: The Politics: Can a Deal Be Forged Now?
Jessica T. Mathews, Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment
Walt Minnick, Co-founder, Partnership for Responsible Growth
Bob Inglis, Executive Director, republicEN (invited)  
Maya MacGuineas, President, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Jerry Taylor, President, Niskanen Center
Phil Sharp, former CEO, Resources for the Future (invited)
Adele Morris, Senior Fellow & Policy Director, Climate & Energy Economics Project, Brookings Institution         

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