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MONDAY, January 11, 2016
Annenberg Conference Room (Room 105), Lou Henry Hoover Building, Stanford University

9:00 a.m.Welcome and Introduction: Stephen Haber

9:15 a.m.“Declared Essential Patents” by Rudi Bekkers, Christian Catalini, Arianna Martinelli, Cesare Righi, and Timothy Simcoe
Presenter: : Timothy Simcoe
Discussant: : Scott Kieff
Moderator: Naomi Lamoreaux
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Presenter Bio

10:45 a.m.“Patent Claims and Patent Quality” by Alan C. Marco, Joshua D. Sarnoff, and Charles A. deGrazia
Presenter: : Joshua Sarnoff and Alan Marco
Discussant: : Lisa Ouellette
Moderator: Stephen Haber
Abstract | Presenter Bio | Presenter Bio

1:00 p.m.“The Market Impacts of Pharmaceutical Product Patents in Developing Countries: Evidence from India” by Mark Duggan, Craig Garthwaite, Aparajita Goyal
Presenter: Mark Duggan
Discussant: Alexander Galetovic
Moderator: Troy Paredes
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Discussant Slides |Presenter Bio

2:15 p.m.“First-Mover Advantages Before and After TRIPS: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry” by Ajay Bhaskarabhatla and Chirantan Chatterjee
Presenter: Chirantan Chatterjee
Discussant: Victor Menaldo
Moderator: Richard Sousa
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Presenter Bio

3:45 p.m.“The Language of Trust and Reciprocity in Patent Markets: A Sociological
Analysis of Property Rights on Messages Resolving Uncertainty in Exchange in Ideas” by Eskil Ullberg
Presenter: Eskil Ullberg
Discussant: Richard Epstein
Moderator: Benjamin Kwitek
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Presenter Bio

TUESDAY, January 12, 2016
Annenberg Conference Room (Room 105), Lou Henry Hoover Building, Stanford University

9:00 a.m.“Pushing Patent Boundaries” by Janet Freilich
Presenter: Janet Freilich
Discussant: Seth Werfel
Moderator: Jon Ikegami
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Discussant Slides | Presenter Bio

10:30 a.m.“Insider Trading and Innovation” by Ross Levine, Chen Lin, and Lai Wei
Presenter: Lai Wei
Discussant: Wesley Hartmann
Moderator: Richard Sousa
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Slides | Discussant Slides | Presenter Bio

Presenters, Discussants, Moderators

Chirantan Chatterjee–Assistant professor, Corporate Strategy and Policy Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)

Mark Duggan–Trione Director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Wayne and Jodi Cooperman Professor of Economics, Stanford University; research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Richard Epstein–Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University Law School; senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School; member, Hoover Institution Working Group on Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Prosperity (Hoover IP2) Steering Committee

Janet Freilich–Academic Fellow in Private Law and Intellectual Property, Project on the Foundations of Private Law, Harvard Law School

Alexander Galetovic–Professor of economics, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile; visiting fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Stephen Haber–Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; A.A. and Jeanne Welch Milligan Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, professor of political science, of history, and (by courtesy) of economics, Stanford University; director, Hoover IP2

Wesley Hartmann–Professor of marketing, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University; member, Hoover IP2 Steering Committee

Jon Ikegami–Partner, Innovation Counsel LLP

F. Scott Kieff—Commissioner, US International Trade Commission; Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor of Law (on leave), George Washington University

Benjamin Kwitek—President and CEO, InterForm Incorporated; member, Hoover IP2 Advisory Board

Naomi Lamoreaux–Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics and History and chair, department of history, Yale University; research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research; member, Hoover IP2 Steering Committee

Ross Levine–Willis H. Booth Chair in Banking and Finance, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley; research associate, NBER; member, Hoover IP2 Steering Committee

Chen Lin–Stelux Professor in Finance and associate dean (research), Faculty of Business and Economics, and director, Centre of Financial Innovation and Risk Management, University of Hong Kong

Alan Marco–Chief economist, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Victor Menaldo–Associate professor of political science, affiliated faculty at the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, affiliated faculty of Near and Middle Eastern studies, University of Washington; instructor, Hoover IP2 Summer Teaching Institute on the Economics and Politics of Regulation

Lisa Larrimore Ouellette—Assistant professor of law, Stanford Law School

Troy Paredes–Distinguished policy fellow and lecturer, Pennsylvania Law School; founder, Paredes Strategies LLC; commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission, 2008–2013; member, Hoover IP2 Steering Committee

Joshua Sarnoff–Professor, College of Law, DePaul University; faculty member and former director, Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (CIPLIT®); Thomas A. Edison Distinguished Scholar 2014-2015, USPTO

Timothy Simcoe–Associate professor of strategy and innovation, School of Management, Boston University; faculty research fellow, NBER

Richard Sousa–Research fellow, Hoover Institution; member, Hoover IP2 Steering Committee

Eskil Ullberg–Visiting senior research scholar and visiting assistant professor, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science (ICES), economics department, George Mason University; senior research scholar, The Ratio Institute (Stockholm)

Lai Wei–PhD candidate in finance, University of Hong Kong

Seth Werfel–PhD candidate, department of political science, Stanford University

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