Preliminary Agenda
NOTE: Attendance is by invitation only
DOWNLOAD the preliminary agenda as a PDF

TUESDAY, June 16, 2015
Hoover Institution-DC, 1399 New York Ave., NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20005

2:00 p.m.Welcome: Shira Perlmutter and Richard Sousa

2:15 p.m. The Edison Scholar Program at the USPTO: Results and Contributions
Joseph Bailey, “Finding Prior Art for Patent Examination: A Machine Learning Approach”
PDF of Slides
Deepak Hegde, “Is the US Patent System Broken?”
PDF of Slides
Joshua Sarnoff, “Patent Claims Data and Implications for Patent Quality”
PDF of Slides
Moderator: Tim Simcoe

3:30 p.m.Break

3:45 p.m.Roundtable: “How can the academy best contribute to IP policy?”
Panelists: Stephen HaberJay KesanAlan MarcoJoshua Wright
Moderator: F. Scott Kieff

5:00 p.m.Cocktail Reception


Joseph P. Bailey, Thomas Alva Edison Visiting Scholar, US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO); research associate professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Stephen Haber, Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; A.A. and Jeanne Welch Milligan Professor, School of Humanities and Sciences; professor, political science, history, and (by courtesy) economics, Stanford University; director, Hoover Institution Working Group on Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Prosperity (Hoover IP2).

Deepak Hegde, Thomas Alva Edison Visiting Scholar, USPTO; assistant professor of management and organizations, Stern School of Business, NYU; Thomas Edison Innovation Fellow, George Mason University School of Law, Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property; affiliate, CESifo Research Network, University of Munich

Jay P. Kesan, research scholar, University of Illinois College of Law, and director, Program in Intellectual Property & Technology Law, University of Illinois College of Law; former Thomas Alva Edison Visiting Scholar, USPTO

F. Scott Kieff, commissioner of the US International Trade Commission, Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor (on leave), George Washington University Law School; formerly, Ray and Louise Knowles Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Alan Marco, chief economist, USPTO

Shira Perlmutter, chief policy officer and director for international affairs, USPTO

Joshua Sarnoff, Thomas Alva Edison Visiting Scholar, USPTO; professor, College of Law, DePaul University; faculty member and former director, Center for Intellectual Property Law & Information Technology (CIPLIT®)

Tim Simcoe, senior economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisers; associate professor of strategy and innovation (on leave), School of Management, Boston University; faculty research fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research

Richard Sousa, research fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; member, Hoover IP2 steering committee

Joshua D. Wright, commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission; professor, School of Law, George Mason University; professor (by courtesy) department of economics, George Mason University

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