9:00 a.m.

Opening Remarks: Think Long

George P. Shultz, Hoover Institution

9:10 a.m.

The Global Financial Crisis So Far: Lessons Going Forward

Chair: Ed Lazear, Hoover Institution and Stanford GSB
Speaker: Allan Meltzer, Carnegie Mellon University
Discussant: Peter Fisher, BlackRock

10:30 a.m.

The Fed's New Balance Sheet: A Panel Discussion

Chair: Michael Boskin, Hoover Institution and Stanford Economics
Panelists: Donald Kohn, Federal Reserve Board
                  James Hamilton, University of California, Sand Diego
                  John Taylor, Hoover Institution and Stanford Economics

12:30 NOON


1:30 p.m.

Credit Derivative Markets, Regulatory Concerns, and the Fed

Chair: Monika Piazzesi, Stanford Economics Department
Speaker: Darell Duffie, Graduate School of Business, Stanford
Discussant: Myron Scholes, Platinum Grove Asset Management

2:50 p.m.


3:00 p.m.

Should the Central Bank be the Systemic Stability Regulator?

Chair: Richard Herring, Wharton School of Business
Speaker: Andrew Crokett, J.P. Morgan
Discussant: Michael Halloran, former SEC and Bank of America

4:20 p.m.

Summary and Conclusions

John Ciorciari, Hoover Institution


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