
Five members from the Center for Modern Shanghai Studies, including Mr. Xu Jiangang, deputy director-general; Ms. Cao Lifen, director; Mr. Yin Weizhong, director; Ms. Huang Jian, associate research fellow; and Mr. Wu Zijun, associate research fellow; along with council member Ms. Song Zhemin of  the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SPAFFC), met with Richard Sousa, director of the library and archives, at the Hoover Institution on July 25, 2011. Hsiao-ting Lin, curator of the East Asia collection, gave them a tour of the China exhibit A Century of Change: China 1911–2011. The center works with the SPAFFC, a nongovernmental organization supported by the Shanghai city government, to promote China's friendship with foreign countries and people.

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