

The Hoover Institution hosted "The Presidential Role In Disaster Management" on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 from 12:00pm - 1:30pm. 

In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton wrote that constitutional government would benefit from “energy in the executive,” not just in foreign affairs and national defense but also in "essential to the steady administration of the laws.” Today, this “energy” is especially evident in the President’s power and responsibility to respond to unpredictable disasters. From massive storms, to domestic terrorism, to economic turmoil, modern presidents have the power to—and are expected to—assert leadership and control in crises.

The Hoover Institution in Washington hosted a discussion featuring Hoover Research Fellow Adam White and Dr. Tevi Troy, a leading scholar of presidential history, on the President's evolving power and duty to respond to domestic disasters and emergencies, dating back to the beginning of our republic. This was the focus of a new book by Dr. Troy: Shall We Wake the President? Two Centuries of Disaster Management from the Oval Office. A limited quantity of complimentary copies were provided.

Opening Arguments: Conversations on American Constitutionalism is a new series of interviews with key authors with a background in Constitutionalism and Executive Power.

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