China will rewrite the Bible and the Quran to 'reflect socialist values' amid crackdown on Muslim Uighur minority
by Ryan Fahey
via Daily Mail on December 24, 2019

Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities Into an Army of Workers
by Chris Buckley and Austin Ramzy
via The New York Times on December 30, 2019

Indigenous communities take legal action over Ecuador’s largest mine
by Andres Bermudez Lievano
via Dialogo Chino on July 4, 2019

Meet Chen Quanguo, Beijing’s hatchet man in Xinjiang
by Jun Mai
via Inkstone on December 13, 2019

In China, Kids of Unwed Mothers May Be Barred From Public Health Care, Education
by Emily Feng
via NPR on November 6, 2019

Planting the Seed: Ethnic Policy in Xi Jinping’s New Era of Cultural Nationalism
by James Leibold
via Jamestown Foundation on December 31, 2019

A 2020 New Year’s Message
by Xu Zhiyong
via China Change on January 1, 2020

China Replaces Its Top Representative in Hong Kong With an Enforcer
by Keith Bradsher
via The New York Times on January 4, 2020

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