ANNELISE ANDERSON "Clinton Has Failed Grievously in Two Crucial Areas: Cutting Taxes and Maintaining the National Defense," San Jose Mercury News, January 28, 2000.

MARTIN ANDERSON "Bush: A Proven Leader with a Program," Los Angeles Times, February 22, 2000 (also San Jose Mercury News, February 22, 2000).

TERRY ANDERSON editor, Political Environmentalism: Going behind the Green Curtain (Hoover Press, 2000).

ROBERT J. BARRO "Mundell: The Man Who Laid the Groundwork for the Euro," Business Week, November 1, 1999; "How to Build Your Own Fed Crystal Ball," Business Week, December 27, 1999; "One Pinochet Legacy That Deserves to Live," Business Week, January 17, 2000.

GARY S. BECKER "'Bribe' Third World Parents to Keep Their Kids in School," Business Week, November 22, 1999; "How the Web Is Revolutionizing Learning," Business Week, December 27, 1999; "The Hidden Impact of Not Taxing E-Commerce," Business Week, February 28, 2000.

ARNOLD BEICHMAN "Underground with $9 Trillion," Sunday Sports Times (Washington, D.C.), September 12, 1999; "Rudy's Remedies," Washington Times, October 5, 1999; "Socialism's Doom," Washington Times, October 12, 1999; "Wall of Historic Oversight," Washington Times, October 13, 1999; "Yearning for Chains," Washington Times, October 15, 1999; "Big Players, Politics and an Ancestor of the KGB," Sunday Sports Times, October 24, 1999; "No Enemies on the Left?" Washington Times, December 9, 1999; "First Quayle, Now Bush," Washington Times, December 14, 1999; "What Miracle Is This?" review of Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999, by Benny Morris, National Post (Toronto), December 24, 1999; "Inside Story of NATO, Churchill's Iron Curtain," Washington Times, December 26, 1999; "Peace Table Manners," Washington Times, January 6, 2000; "Prologue for Putin," Washington Times, January 10, 2000; "Unveiling Iran's Terrorism," Washington Times, January 13, 2000; "How the Soviet Union Died," review of The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, by Brian Crozier, Washington Times, January 25, 2000; "Internal Editorial Cross Fire," Washington Times, January 25, 2000; "All Those Innocents," review of The Black Book of Communism, by Stéphane Courtois et al., National Post, February 5, 2000; "Putin's Revealing Personnel Choices," Washington Times, February 7, 2000; "Indonesia's Shame," Washington Times, February 21, 2000.

TOM BETHELL "Property Rights, Prosperity and 1,000 Years of Lessons," Wall Street Journal, December 27, 1999; "The Evolution Wars," American Spectator, December 1999/January 2000; "Clinton's Surprising Legacy," Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2000; "Raising McCain," American Spectator, February 2000; "The Frenzy of Politics," American Spectator, March 2000.

BRUCE BUENO de MESQUITA "Why Politics Should Not Stop at the Water's Edge," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, November 15, 1999; Political Instability as a Source of Growth, Hoover Essay in Public Policy.

EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA "Argentina's de la Rua Has a Lot of Housecleaning to Do," Wall Street Journal, February 11, 2000.

JOHN F. COGAN coauthor, "In Defense of Bush's Tax Plan," Washington Post, December 15, 1999.

ROBERT CONQUEST "Global Perils in Perspective," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, March 6, 2000.

GERALD A. DORFMAN "The Politics of Convergence in 2000," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, January 31, 2000.

JOHN B. DUNLOP "Tightening the Screws in Russia," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, January 24, 2000.

WILLIAMSON M. EVERS "Secretary Riley Reignites the Math Wars," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, January 17, 2000.

MORRIS P. FIORINA "When Stakes Are High, Rationality Kicks in," New York Times, February 26, 2000.

DAVID R. HENDERSON "Why the Government's Case against Microsoft Never Held Water," Red Herring, October 1999; "How Booming Cannons Hurt Booming Economies," Red Herring, November 1999; "Does Growth Cause Inflation?" CATO Policy Report, November-December 1999; "Panics of the Past, Fortunes of the Future," Wall Street Journal, December 13, 1999; "The Feds, Not the Fed, Are the Problem," Red Herring, January 2000; "The Case for Sweatshops," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, February 7, 2000.

THOMAS H. HENRIKSEN "Covert Operations, Now More Than Ever," Orbis, winter 2000; "The Lessons of Afghanistan," Washington Times, December 29, 1999; "Changing the Conventional Wisdom on Foreign Policy," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, February 21, 2000.

NICHOLAS IMPARATO editor, Public Policy and the Internet: Privacy, Taxes, and Contract (Hoover Press, 2000).

DANIEL P. KESSLER "Tort Liability and the Patients' Bill of Rights," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, January 3, 2000.

MELVYN KRAUSS "Culture of Euthanasia," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, February 14, 2000; coauthor, "Japan and the Demand-Side Lie," Wall Street Journal (European edition), February 10, 2000.

EDWARD P. LAZEAR "Making Unemployment Insurance Work," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, December 6, 1999.

SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET "Still the Exceptional Nation?" Wilson Quarterly, winter 2000; "The Indispensability of Political Parties," Journal of Democracy, January 2000.

TIBOR R. MACHAN Initiative: Human Agency and Society (Hoover Press, 2000); editor, Education in a Free Society (Hoover Press, 2000); "Capitalists Don't Just Chase 'Trivial' Pursuit," Monitor (McAllen, Tex.), September 22, 1999; "Why Is American Culture in Peril?" Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, Tex.), October 24, 1999; "The Art of Politics over Principle," Orange County Register, October 25, 1999; "Chutists, Risks, and the Public Realm," Porterville (Calif.) Recorder, October 27, 1999; "Bill Bradley Wants to Be Santa Claus," Orange County Register, October 29, 1999; "Challenging Naturalists' View of Nature," Orange County Register, November 15, 1999; "The 'Third Way' Is No Way to Go," Orange County Register, November 29, 1999; "We Ought to Live with the Consequences," Lima (Ohio) News, December 1, 1999 (also Fort Pierce [Fla.] Tribune, December 4, 1999); "Doing 'Good' Things for Others' Sakes," Orange County Register, December 13, 1999; "Taxing to Fund Government Unsound Relic of Feudal Past," Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, December 21, 1999; "Our Tax Money and the Schools," Orange County Register, December 23, 1999; "America Is Not a Team," Orange County Register, December 31, 1999; "What's Best for Elian, Age 6?" Orange County Register, January 7, 2000.

THOMAS MaCURDY "Why Are Minimum Wages So Popular?" Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, November 29, 1999; coauthor, Who Benefits and Who Pays for Minimum Wage Increases in California? A Perspective on Proposition 210, Hoover Essay in Public Policy.

MICHAEL McFAUL "Democracy Is Gaining a Foothold in Russia," Courier (Findlay, Ohio), October 7, 1999; "Ulterior Motives in Chechnya," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, December 13, 1999; "Getting Russia Right," Foreign Policy, winter 1999-2000; "Indifferent to Democracy," Washington Post, March 3, 2000 (also San Jose Mercury News, March 5, 2000).

CHARLES E. McLURE JR. "The Taxation of Electronic Commerce: Background and Proposal," in Public Policy and the Internet: Privacy, Taxes, and Contract, Nicholas Imparato, editor (Hoover Press, 2000).

JOSEPH D. McNAMARA "Some Advice for Hartford's Police Chief," Hartford (Conn.) Courant, October 21, 1999; "Good Police and Bad Measures," Los Angeles Times, December 13, 1999.

HENRY I. MILLER "A Fund of Contention," Financial Times, September 27, 1999; "Greening of Gore Wins Few Friends," News-Herald (Willoughby, Ohio), October 24, 1999; "Substantial Equivalence: Its Uses and Abuses," Nature Biotechnology, November 1, 1999; "Don't Splice Food Rules," Washington Times, November 30, 1999; "FDA Plan Jeopardizes Food Biotech," San Francisco Chronicle, December 13, 1999; "Food-Label Follies," Forbes, December 27, 1999; "Gene Therapy Death," q, January 14, 2000; "FDA Erred in Gene Therapy Suspension," San Francisco Chronicle, February 23, 2000.

JENNIFER ROBACK MORSE "Don't Let Them Distract You from Life," National Catholic Register, December 5-11, 1999; "Race and Guts," Forbes, December 27, 1999.

ALVIN RABUSHKA "Prospects for Tax Reform," Hoover Institution Weekly Essay, December 27, 1999.

WILLIAM RATLIFF "Cuba Embargo Is Bad Policy for U.S.," San Francisco Chronicle, January 6, 2000 (also Los Angeles Times, January 7, 2000); "Venezuela's Double Disasters: Nature and Chávez," San Jose Mercury News, January 9, 2000; coauthor, A Strategic Flip-Flop in the Caribbean: Lift the Embargo on Cuba, Hoover Essay in Public Policy.

CONDOLEEZZA RICE "The White House and the Wall," Newsweek, November 22, 1999; "Promoting the National Interest," Foreign Affairs, January/February 2000; "With Russia Weak, U.S. Must Focus on Security," San Jose Mercury News, January 23, 2000.

THOMAS W. SIMONS JR. "Poland's Old-New Political Elites," Center for Slavic and East European Studies Newsletter, fall 1999; "Arthur Koestler, the West's Most Famous Anti-Communist Intellectual," review of Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind, by David Cesarani, San Francisco Chronicle, January 2, 2000.

ABRAHAM D. SOFAER "Cybercrime Attack," Washington Times, December 30, 1999.

THOMAS SOWELL "Selective Indignation Strikes Again," Press-Telegram (Long Beach, Calif.), September 27, 1999; "U.S. Military Carrying a Little Stick," Atlanta Journal, October 8, 1999; "Banfield Cut through Common Urban Fallacies," Gainesville (Tex.) Daily Register, October 14, 1999 (also Atlanta Journal, October 15, 1999); "Sometimes, Unfairness Is Preferable," Atlanta Journal, October 18, 1999; "Anti-Sports Sportscasts Turn Off Fans," Lodi (Calif.) News-Sentinel, October 21, 1999; "Poor Additions," Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.), October 28, 1999; "Success Conceals Failure in Education System," Lodi News-Sentinel, November 4, 1999; "Poverty Just Ain't What It Was in Good Ol' Days," Arizona Republic, November 21, 1999; "Some Black Leaders Fight the Old War," Orange County Register, November 26, 1999; "Ugly Reality of Mob Rule in Seattle," Atlanta Journal, December 3, 1999; "The Party Line on Late Talkers," Washington Times, December 4, 1999; "Visions of Black Success Often Blurred," Windsor (Ontario) Star, December 11, 1999; "Education Reform Is an Illusion," Press-Telegram, December 13, 1999; "Testing Integrity," Times (Trenton, N.J.), December 13, 1999; "Books Help to Understand the Big Issues," Windsor Star, December 18, 1999; "Don't Waste Your Money on 'Ivy,'" Orange County Register, December 23, 1999; ". . . Politicians Sow the Seeds of America's Economic Collapse," Insight on the News, December 27, 1999; "Leaders of the Century," Orange County Register, December 31, 1999; "Why 2K? The Confusion Goes on," Orange County Register, January 5, 2000; "Collectivism Is a Plague on Society," Orange County Register, January 7, 2000; "Complaints about Tests by Educators Misguided," San Jose Mercury News, January 9, 2000; "GOP Is Shooting Itself in the Foot by Weakening Bush," San Jose Mercury News, January 30, 2000; "Is There a True Republican Party? Often Hard to Tell," San Jose Mercury News, February 20, 2000; "Accusers Are Quick on the Trigger, Too," San Jose Mercury News, March 5, 2000.

RICHARD F. STAAR "A Russian Rearmament Wish List," Orbis, fall 1999; "Russia's New Military Doctrine Deserves a Read," San Francisco Chronicle, December 15, 1999.

CHARLES J. SYKES "Soccer Moms vs. Standardized Tests," New York Times, December 6, 1999; "Your Best Defense against Big Brother: You," Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2000.

JONATHAN B. TUCKER "Bioterrorist Attacks Unlikely in U.S.," New York Times, October 24, 1999.

BILL WHALEN "McCain on Media's Good Side," San Jose Mercury News, December 5, 1999.

PETE WILSON "Outmoded System Was Designed to Deal with Less Serious Crime," San Francisco Chronicle, February 27, 2000.

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