A Post-9/11 Veteran Town Hall Discussion with local veterans Cathy Cohn, Mikhail Venikov, Justin Adney and Veteran Fellowship Program Fellow Michael Wendler led by Hoover Fellow Jacquelyn Schneider, and featuring a special welcome by the Hon. Jackie Speier and Susan Manheimer, the former San Mateo Chief of Police.

The post 9/11 veteran is not defined by one campaign or conflict. That can be something that often divides this generation. However, the remarkable diversity of conflicts and crises in which this generation served created a veteran generation with experience not only in fighting wars, but also building schools, curing diseases, fighting fires, and providing humanitarian assistance in the face of natural and manmade disasters. This means the post 9/11 veteran generation is returning home with extraordinary skills to lead and serve within their local communities. How does the post 9-11 veteran experience translate to public service? What is the role of the guard and the reserve in creating a bridge between military and public service, especially for the post 9-11 veteran generation?

Thursday, December 14, 2023 – Elks Lodge, San Mateo, CA

Thursday, December 14, 2023 – Elks Lodge, San Mateo

Justin Adney | Firefighter/Engineer, Santa Clara County Fire Department, Marine Reserve
Cathy Cohn | Navy Veteran, Science Educator
Mikhail Venikov | Army Veteran, Officer, San Mateo Police Department; Founder & CEO, RangerRoad
Michael Wendler | Hoover Veteran Fellow, Judge, County of San Mateo

Moderated by
Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider | Hoover Fellow, post-9/11 Veteran, USAFR

With special welcome by
Susan Manheimer  | Chief of Police (Retired), San Mateo Police Department
Jackie Speier | Former US Representative for San Mateo and  South San Francisco

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