Ken Judd, John Taylor, Michael Bordo, John Cochrane, Tom Church, Sami Diaf, Katrina Dudley, Darrell Duffie, Sebastian Edwards, Andrew Filardo, Christopher Ford, Tyler Goodspeed, Danny Heil, Thomas Helbling, Laurie Hodrick Robert Hodrick, Peter Ireland, Ken Judd, Don Koch, Evan Koenig, Philipp Mueller, Elena Pastorino, Charles Plosser, Pierre Siklos, Christine Strong, Jack Tatom, Yevgeniy Teryoshin 



Kenneth Judd, the Paul H. Bauer Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, discussed “Optimal Dynamic Stochastic Fiscal Policy with Endogenous Debt Limits,” a paper with Philipp Mueller (University of Zurich) and Sevin Yeltekin (University of Rochester). John Taylor, the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University and the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at the Hoover Institution, was the moderator.


To read the paper, click here
To read the slides, click here



Topic: Optimal Dynamic Stochastic Fiscal Policy with Endogenous Debt Limits
Start Time: April 20, 2022, 12:15 PM PT

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