
The Partnership, by Philip Taubman, a former Hoover media fellow and former New York Times reporter and now a consulting professor at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation, cites a January 2007 opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that “captured both the long-term vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and a set of more immediate steps to reduce nuclear dangers.” The 2007 op-ed, “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons”, was written by four veterans of the Cold War and members of the Nuclear Security Project, including former secretary of state and Hoover fellow George Shultz; former secretary of defense and Hoover fellow William Perry; former secretary of state Henry Kissinger; and former senator Sam Nunn. In addition to the op-ed, they joined together to form the Nuclear Security Project, which was created to galvanize global action to reduce urgent nuclear dangers and build support for reducing reliance on nuclear weapons, ultimately ending them as a threat to the world. Hoover fellow Sidney Drell is and has been instrumental in his support for the Nuclear Security Project.  The ideas about how to disarm our nuclear establishment evolved over many years of detailed work, but The Partnership gives much credit for building support to ban nuclear weapons as well as providing hope that the world could be free of nuclear weapons to the 2007 Wall Street Journal op-ed.

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Click the links below for further information about Hoover fellows’ involvement in nuclear deterrence
Perry discusses worldwide nuclear disarmament
Nuclear deterrence conference videos
Deterrence in the Age of Nuclear Proliferation
Deterrence: Its Past and Future—Papers Presented at Hoover Institution, November 2010

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