
Five of the top 25 most-cited American political scientists are Hoover senior fellows.

A new report from the American Political Science Association examined journal citations of 4,089 tenure-track faculty members at 133 doctorate-granting political science departments in the United States.

Among the top 25 most-cited and currently active scholars are Hoover senior fellows Barry Weingast (6), Larry Diamond (15), Stephen Krasner (16), Shanto Iyengar (21), and Morris Fiorina (25). They are all Stanford faculty members.The findings were based on Google Scholar data, which identifies citations to books as well as academic journal articles and other types of material, the report’s co-authors wrote. Citations are defined as when a scholar cites research by another scholar in the political science field.

Joshua Rauh, Hoover’s director of research and a senior fellow, said, “Hoover has a truly unique asset in terms of the world-class scholarship of its fellows, especially the senior fellows who can only earn that rank with scholarship matching the caliber of Stanford University. Perhaps it is an unappreciated fact that we are so strong on this dimension. These findings are proof that Hoover fellows produce a high quantity of the very best scholarly research in the academic disciplines.”

The citations were tallied across a scholar’s career. Weingast had 57,747 citations; Diamond, 33,133; Krasner, 32,851; Iyengar, 29,947; and Fiorina, 27,731.

“This new ranking demonstrates the quality of our fellows as scholars,” Rauh said.

Hoover’s core strength is its fellows’ expertise, Rauh noted. When recruiting prospective scholars, Hoover seeks those with a track record of productive academic research and policy engagement in either domestic or international realms, he added. 

As of September 1, 2018, the Hoover fellowship included 65 senior fellows among all 189 fellows’ appointments, which also comprise research, visiting, and programmatic fellows. Of those senior fellows, 13 have full-time appointments, 21 have joint appointments with Stanford departments and units, 21 possess adjunct appointments at other universities, and 8 are courtesy appointments elsewhere on campus.  

Hoover research fellows total 45; distinguished visiting fellows, 26; and visiting fellows, 39. There are 6 national fellows and 8 national security fellows.


Clifton B. Parker, Hoover Institution: 650-498-5204, cbparker@stanford.edu

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