Hoover Institution working groups and fellows continually release new books, essays, editions of online journals, and podcasts that discuss their recent research and offer analyses of major news issues and current events.

The following summarizes the publications made possible by Hoover supporters in the preceding quarter.

Essays on Contemporary American Politics
This new essay series by Senior Fellow Morris P. Fiorina presents an incisive explanation of the electoral trends affecting the agendas and policies of major political parties and the increasingly unstable control of American electoral institutions.

Fiorina has released five essays since the series launched in September:

The Temptation to Overreach
Party Sorting and Democratic Politics
The Political Parties Have Sorted
Has the American Public Polarized?
An Era of Tenuous Majorities: Historical Context

Hoover’s Working Group on Islamism and the International Order recently released a new issue of their periodic journal, Caravan, that discusses challenges and opportunities related to US interests in the Middle East.

This edition (issue 1612), titled “Strategic Considerations in the Greater Middle East,” focuses on challenges in store for the next administration and features commentary by Senior Fellow Russell Berman and Robert and Marian Oster Distinguished Military Fellow Gary Roughead.

Hoover also recently published a new edition of Eureka, the institution’s bimonthly journal offering expert analyses of political and electoral developments in the Golden State. The latest edition (issue 1604), “California’s Crowded, November Initiative Slate Part I,” looks at the seventeen ballot initiatives that Californians will decide on in November, exploring the initiatives in terms of policy consequences as well as electoral trends.

The Working Group on the Role of Military History and Contemporary Conflict released two new editions of their flagship journal Strategika this quarter.

New Research from the Jean Perkins Foundation National Security, Technology, and Law Working Group
The Jean Perkins Foundation National Security, Technology, and Law Working Group released a new installment in the Aegis Paper Series titled “Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents: From Soup to Nuts.” The group also released three new episodes of their Security by the Book podcast, which features discussions with Hoover fellows and authors of major new national security publications.  New episodes include

New Hoover Institution Books
Books published by the Hoover Institution Press this quarter include

In addition, Hoover Institution senior fellow Timothy Garton Ash released the new book Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World (Yale University Press, 2016).

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